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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Undertaker and the WWE Title

Fantasy Booking: Undertaker and the WWE Title

As you all know, WWE's Money in the Bank PPV is next Sunday. In the spirit of MITB, I wanted to share a fantasy booking idea I had while The Undertaker was working a couple of post-WrestleMania dates. What if The Deadman were to have on more run with the WWE Title?

The Undertaker

I think a great way to do it would be to have 'Taker win the MITB briefcase. Just think, he could win it, and then disappear for a few months. Meanwhile, it's business as usual in the WWE with everyone wondering when he'll return to victimize a defenseless champion. Then one night, the lights go out... How about the lights go out on John Cena? Cena would be the perfect victim. When the lights come back on there's The Undertaker, briefcase in hand, ready to cash in.

WWE could use this scenario to set up the inevitable Undertaker/Cena WrestleMania match. While I don't necessarily want this match to happen, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that these two will meet before The Undertaker hangs up his boots for good. So there's that.


The other objective here would be to create a new star in the process. After a few months of The Undertaker having a stranglehold on the WWE Title, I would put him in a feud with one Dean Ambrose. While Ambrose is well on his way to having an amazing career in WWE, if he was the one to end 'Taker's title run he would be a made man. Maybe have the title change happen at Survivor Series, birthplace of The Undertaker.

My bottom line here is twofold. First, WWE really needs to start making the stars of tomorrow, now. Otherwise, they'll find themselves in an awful position depth-wise on the talent roster in the next two-to-three years. Second, I just really want to see The Deadman have one last good run before he retires. His presence needs to be felt in that company solidly before he's gone for good. The Undertaker is the measuring stick for the WWE, and I would like to see him go out as strong as possible.


WWE The Undertaker Deadliest Matches Part 1


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