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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sting Facing Undertaker

Sting Facing Undertaker Means the Streak Goes On: Why That's Good for John Cena

If and when Sting signs with WWE, it’s a forgone conclusion that he will wind up facing The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX in New Orleans.

Or will he? Conflicting reports circulated on the Internet last week about the direction Sting would take if he jumps from TNA to WWE.

First, Dave Meltzer of the of the subscription-only Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that there have been no significant conversations between Sting and WWE officials:

    Sting has sent feelers through intermediaries to WWE for next year, when his contract expires. There really hasn’t been any serious talk between the sides in years but that interview Sting did recently, plus there really is the feeling within TNA that it’s going nowhere, because every golden carrot (the last ones being cutting back on PPV and doing television from arenas) has pretty much been exhausted.

                       The Dead Man

However, The Examiner reports that a Sting arrival in WWE is likely sooner than later, with an announcement coming as soon as next month’s SummerSlam pay-per-view. But despite the dream of many within the WWE Universe to see Sting face The Undertaker at a WrestleMania pay-per-view, this report states that Sting wants no part of that:

    Sting allegedly doesn't want to mix it up with John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, or Daniel Bryan. In what may actually be a commercially brilliant idea, he appears to want a crack at WWE superstars who are also older but were on top in WWE when he was still on top of WCW. Simply put, Sting wants some dream matches to happen if he comes to WWE.

According to The Examiner, Sting is more interested in facing The Rock because a date with Undertaker is a sure sign of a loss.


That conclusion may not be that far off.

If the Sting-Undertaker match happens, two things are guaranteed, in my opinion.

First, The Streak will remain active. For years, WWE competed with WCW before eventually buying and absorbing it into the company. Sting is considered the greatest performer ever in WCW. Raise your hand if you think WWE would have the face of its former competitor come in and take down the greatest modern-day superstar in WWE.

I don't think so, either.

Second, an Undertaker victory would all but assure he would be coming back for one more match the following year. I do not think he would want his last match to be as gimmicky as the battle with Sting would be.


I have this nagging feeling that WWE management really wants Undertaker to face John Cena at a WrestleMania before he calls it a career. They are two of the biggest draws in WWE, so imagine the payday WWE would have if “SuperCena” faced the Deadman not at WrestleMania XXX but at WrestleMania XXXI with The Streak on the line.

If you thought the buildup between Cena and The Rock for WrestleMania 28 was exhausting, a buildup for a match like that would make the Cena-Rock hype look like a Sunday school picnic.

Whatever Sting decides to do, let’s hope he does it quickly and for the right reasons. He is a wise enough veteran to know that a WWE run at the age of 55 comes with no illusions of greatness.

At best, Sting would be a one-off performer, so he would have to make sure that the “dream match” he envisions in WWE would not become his worst nightmare.

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